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Creating default values for entities

So far we had to manually set all the values of our entities when inserting them, eg:

const todo = db.add(todoEntity, {
id: "todo-1",
title: "Buy milk",
doneAt: null,

In this case, both id and doneAt could have some default values. id would be some auto-generated string, and doneAt could be null by default.

Let's modify our todo entity:

* Some simple function to generate random id. Could be uuid or anything similar as well
function generateId() {
const alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
let id = "";
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
id += alphabet[Math.floor(Math.random() * alphabet.length)];
return id;

const todoEntity = defineEntity<Todo>({
name: "todo",
fields: ["id", "title", "doneAt", "listId"],
getDefaultValues() {
return {
id: generateId(),
doneAt: null,
}).addView((todo, { db }) => {
// ...

Now we can also include default id to list entity

const listEntity = defineEntity<List>({
name: "list",
fields: ["id", "name"],
getDefaultValues() {
return {
id: generateId(),
}).addView((list, { db }) => {
// ...

With that, we can create new entities without manually setting id for both list and todo or doneAt for todos:

const list = db.add(listEntity, {
name: "Groceries",
});; // "89qnxvnt57"

const todo = db.add(todoEntity, {
title: "Buy milk",
});; // "jemsfhysjk"; // "Groceries"