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Enhance entity view

In the previous section, we created a view that allows us to resolve relations between entities.

The view can also be used to define any custom values that will be available in our entities.

Let's define isDone field that will be a boolean value based on weather doneAt is null or not.

import { defineEntity } from "@clientdb/core";

interface Todo {
id: string;
title: string;
doneAt: Date;

const todoEntity = defineEntity<Todo>({
name: "todo",
fields: ["id", "title", "doneAt"],
}).addView((todo, { db }) => {
return {
get isDone() {
return todo.doneAt !== null;
// ...

Now we can use the isDone field in every todo in our database

const todo = db.entity(todoEntity).create({
title: "Learn clientdb",

todo.isDone; // false

todo.update({ doneAt: new Date() });

todo.isDone; // true

Using custom fields to query the database

All custom fields are available when we query our database.

const completedTodosQuery = db.entity(todoEntity).query({
isDone: true,

const unfinishedTodosQuery = db.entity(todoEntity).query({
isDone: false,

const todo = db.entity(todoEntity).create({
title: "Learn clientdb",

completedTodosQuery.count; // 0
completedTodosQuery.all; // []
unfinishedTodosQuery.count; // 1
unfinishedTodosQuery.all; // [todo]

todo.update({ doneAt: new Date() });

completedTodosQuery.count; // 1
completedTodosQuery.all; // [todo]
unfinishedTodosQuery.count; // 0
unfinishedTodosQuery.all; // []

Note: queries are indexed by clientdb under the hood, so your queries will be very fast, even with 1000s of items in your database.

Creating custom 'methods' in your view

The view can define derived data like isDone, but it can also include custom methods like markAsDone

import { defineEntity } from "@clientdb/core";

interface Todo {
id: string;
title: string;
doneAt: Date;

const todoEntity = defineEntity<Todo>({
name: "todo",
fields: ["id", "title", "doneAt"],
}).addView((todo, { db, updateSelf }) => {
return {
get isDone() {
return todo.doneAt !== null;
markAsDone() {
updateSelf({ doneAt: new Date() });
markAsNotDone() {
updateSelf({ doneAt: null });
// ...

We now used another utility passed to addView called updateSelf that allows us to update our entity in the database.

We can now use those methods on any todo in our database

const todo = db.entity(todoEntity).create({
title: "Learn clientdb",

todo.isDone; // false
todo.isDone; // true